Qu Chang And Anqi Li Take Up New Roles At Para Site
By Cassie Liu

QU CHANG (left) and ANQI LI (right) have been appointed to new curatorial roles at Para Site. Photo by Zihui Song.
On June 26, Hong Kong-based nonprofit Para Site announced the promotion of associate curator Qu Chang to curator, as well as the appointment of Anqi Li as curator of education and public programs.
Qu has been a member of staff at Para Site since 2016, curating exhibitions such as Doreen Chan’s “Hard Cream” (2019), in collaboration with Guangzhou’s HB Station; the group show “Crush” (2018); and the organization’s last three presentations at Art Basel Hong Kong, of Chan Ka Kiu (2019), Law Yuk Mui (2018), and Lau Wai and Wong Wing Sang (2017).
Li joins Para Site from the Harvard Art Museums in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she was a fellow at the division of academic and public programs. Prior to that, she was a gallery ambassador at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles from 2017 to 2018, and a curatorial fellow at the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco from 2015 to 2016.
Founded in 1996 as an artist-run space, Para Site operates a range of programs including an artist residency and an annual international conference, along with public film screenings, talks, and workshops.
Cassie Liu is an editorial intern of ArtAsiaPacific.
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